Speech Therapy Center

Оur office is located in the Ideal center of Blagoevgrad, near the main entrance is at 7-th school "Kuzman Shapkarev"
We have very good facilities.
There are rooms that are suitable for both parents and children who are taught by qualified our staff.
Separate is room in which parents are comfortably accommodated while awaiting lessons to their children.
In our center you and your child will get the attention and understanding during the speech therapy.

Important Information for Parents!!!

Language, speech disorders are among the most common disorders in childhood. Earlier diagnosis and initiation of therapy are crucial. As earlier start therapy, the results will be better. Very often parents think that these violations will pass with time and thus lose precious time. Parents should not be calm with what the child is still "a little" or "his father also spoke later," etc. Children with language, speech disorders often have difficulties in verbal expression to the result of observed aggression. When we turn to a speech therapist? View more....